Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Last Snows of the Winter?

Remember that movie -"Smoke", 1995- in which Harvey Keitel took a daily photograph of the same corner of his area, outside his tobacconist's? I've been taking this picture all winter long. Because it's being a long cold winter here, like those before the global warming -ha, ha-.

Is it Stavanger, Norway? NO!! It's Navalmoral, West Spain. Not quite the picture foreigners who visit our country -i.e. our beaches- have of South-West Europe. Those mountains are over 2000 mts high and it's been snowing well below the 400 mts. Spain has been suffering wave of bad weather after wave for the last weeks: rain, wind, snow, and low, chilling temperatures. I wonder when it will finish. It usually does -I hope-. We're all looking forward to the weather's warming up a little. And... why not? Those summer landscapes, dreams and beaches.

This blog is meant for all the educational communities at Silainiai, St. Svithun, The Grange, Sao Miguel and IES Augustóbriga (not just teachers). So give us a glimpse of the wintertime in your area! Open your windows to the rest!

Enrique (IES Augustóbriga)

1 comment:

Audra Pocienė said...

I want to Spain, sun, kind hearted people... It is colder in Lithuania and sadder. I feel myself as in Mars these days.